Feb 22Liked by Ronald Claiborne

Thanks so much for your insightful reportage. I won’t be hopping a ride any time soon!

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I enjoyed this essay, Ron. We like all kinds of travel; I especially like overnight train rides. But we don’t take buses anymore. I’m not sure your essay enticed me to start up again, but you highlight an important issue - we don’t pay attention to how Americans without a lot of money travel around our country. Thanks!

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Thanks for this great overview and personal journey. Bus travel should be a part of an integrated transportation grid with rail and air. Maybe someday someone will see the potential for convenient, clean and efficient service.

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Thank you for writing about this, Ron. For many low income Americans buses are a lifeline. The tragic decline of the system is another example of how poor people get a raw deal.

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Oh, my! Bus travel in the daytime is fine but late night trips have become episodes from Rod Serling. Next time you are stuck in D.C. just come stay at my house. Breakfast and a free ride back to Union station included.

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Every American should have this humbling experience. I used to take the bus between NYC and Boston because it was cheaper than the train. One of my sons was a college student in LA and I made him ride the bus to the Bay Area - overnight and with stops in every little town. Most riders spoke Spanish (which he understands). I felt he didn’t appreciate the sacrifices his parents were making in supporting him through college and thought a bus ride, instead of a plane, might help with an attitude adjustment. He now talks about that trip as an adventure and knows he’s a minority in having experienced it.

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Excellent essay. My older sister who has no car, has had to depend on bus travel in Texas from one city to another just to see her children and grandchildren. So much has changed. She has talked about the depots, even in Austin, where there is only 1 bathroom and the whole place is freezing. The places are full and dirty. The buses are full and dirty. You are afraid to go to the bathroom on the bus because someone will steal literally anything in your suitcase ( or your whole suitcase) and you can't take your suitcase in the tiny toilet either. It's often miserable, cramped, lonely and scary.

Times have so changed.

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