Both lovely and heartbreaking. Frank Williams is a saint.

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Epidemic and depressing. If only we could get the US back to living with virtues again. Is religion the answer? How do we stop this plague? Thank goodness for men like the one highlighted in your story.

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Such a touching story, and thought provoking article. You look a lot like your dad. My dad would say many of the same sayings. Funny how they become more meaningful as we age. I still miss him.

I was a single mom. Fortunately I had love and support from family and close friends. My daughter is now a college professor, a wife and a mother. I am so proud. We are very close. However her father chose to not to be involved in her life and has not seen her since she was 3 weeks old. She has had to deal with this her whole life and she has struggled. When she was 5 we moved to CA to begin a new life. I had 1k and no job. I told myself I would check it out for I year. This was 1976. I am still here. It was not easy but we did it! It was a lifetime ago but I still ask myself, what was I thinking?

She initiated a written correspondence with him once, upon her college graduation. He sent her a small check and told her he wished her well and proceeded to tell her about his family, and “his” children as he had subsequently married. I sat and cried with her in the car as she read this letter before her commencement. She tried once more to establish a relationship but to no avail. I do credit him with much of her motivation as she was not going to let the absence of a father hold her back. In all fairness, he did pay court ordered child support, without question, when I pursued. I am not without blame as I was a very stubborn 20 year old and had expectations that were apparently unrealistic as a woman at the time. However, fifty three years later, I still don’t understand.

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Nicely done, Ronnie. Reminds me of what Rich and wonderful lives we led, sheltered by our loving and exceptional parents!

Hugs, Linda

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Omg the first photo looks exactly like my father I had to zoom in to make sure it wasn’t. I mean I figured it wasn’t him b/c that man was around his kid. Very unusual of my pops lol.

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Nice story Ron! What a lovely family you came from. Your mother was beautiful.

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